With Mother Guillermina and brother Paul - 1947
With Mother Guillermina and brother Paul - 1947
Our family before living Cuba in the Operation "Pedro Pan" - 1962
Our family before living Cuba in the Operation "Pedro Pan" - 1962
Eloy & Alina Cepero
Eloy & Alina Cepero
Cuban & Islandic Family - Our First Family Reunion - 2000
Cuban & Islandic Family - Our First Family Reunion - 2000
Cuban & Islandic Family - Our Second Family Reunion - 2003
Cuban & Islandic Family - Our Second Family Reunion - 2003
70th Birthday - Our entire Family Reunion - 2015
70th Birthday - Our entire Family Reunion - 2015
Our foster parents in the U.S., Elizabeth and McGregor Smith, COB of FL Power & Light Co., and UM Trustee - 1965
Our foster parents in the U.S., Elizabeth and McGregor Smith, COB of FL Power & Light Co., and UM Trustee - 1965
Our first Christmas with "Tia" and "Tio" in our new residence in Coral Gables - 1962
Our first Christmas with "Tia" and "Tio" in our new residence in Coral Gables - 1962
Our 20th Anniversary reunion with the Smith and Cepero families in Coral Gables - 1992
Our 20th Anniversary reunion with the Smith and Cepero families in Coral Gables - 1992