University of Miami - Track & Field
Courtesy of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith
While at UM, Eloy ran 440, 200 yards dash and relay teams. He contributed in setting 4 UM relay records in his three years in the track program. In 1965, at the Florida Relay Championship, he was part of the freshman relay team that won 1rst place among 100 schools in the 4x440 yards, setting a new freshman record of 3:21:31.
In 1965, He was selected to run in the 200 yard dash against Bob Hayes, world record holder, at the Orange Bow/ Invitational Track Meet, in which race Hayes tied the world record in 20.5 seconds (curve). Eloy also medalled in two other relay races at the same track meet.
In 1965, he was a member of the team that competed against the Jamaican Amateur Athletic Association in Kingston, Jamaica and set a new UM record of 3:19:9 in the 4x440 yards relay competing against such Olympic stars as George Kerr and Edward Kahn and placed first in a three way tie in the 440 yard dash.
Also, in 1965, he was part of the 4x100 relay team that tied a UM record of 41:09:00 in Gainesville at the University of Florida.
In 1966, Eloy was part of a 4x440 yards relay team that set a new UM record of 3:18:17 against the University of Florida and also won the 440 yard dash in the same meet.
He won 70% of his races (all documented), helped to set 4 relay records, lettered 3 consecutive years, and was elected co-captain for the 1968 track team before the sport was dropped from competition. Eloy was a “work horse”, sometimes running up to four races in one meet; 440 and 200 yard dash and various relays.
Also, in 1969 his relay team won 1st place at the U.S. Navy Track and Field Championships, Norfolk, VA, setting a new 4x440 relay record of 3:39:9. He finished 2™ in the 440 yard dash.
In the 1990's he served the UM Hispanic Sports Advisory Board, helping Coach Jose Caballero raise funds for uniforms and equipment. In addition, he donated the funds to purchase a display case for the UM Hall of Fame to be used for track and field trophies and memorabilia.